Ph.D. in Education Student

Focused on innovative arts education policy.

My Journey

My unique personal, cultural, and economic experiences have influenced my academic journey. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD in my early thirties, I faced significant challenges in my pursuit of higher education. These experiences revealed a profound passion for learning and teaching, guiding me through various life stages, from music education to web development and eventually back to academics. My initial venture into education involved teaching part-time in Hawaii Public Schools and coordinating educational programs for a non-profit, instilling in me a deep commitment to the field. However, an undiagnosed disability during my undergraduate years at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa led me to leave my music education program prematurely. This setback, combined with personal trials, including the illness of loved ones and my mental health struggles, only fueled my determination.

In California, I redirected my career toward web development by founding Opihi Creative, where I honed my skills in project management and technology consulting. Despite facing challenges, I completed a BA in Political Science and an MA in Public Policy, finding solace and purpose in academia. My time at California State University Los Angeles was marked by engagement in independent research on music education, leading to my first scholarly publication and affirming my capabilities as a researcher. The transition back to academics was marked by the need to balance full-time work with my disabilities, a challenge I overcame by securing appropriate accommodations. My interest in social network analysis, explored during my graduate studies at Claremont Graduate University, shaped my research focus. However, personal and financial considerations led me to defer my Ph.D. program at Claremont, focusing instead on my entrepreneurial ventures.

I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Education, focusing on innovative research methods and the education of students with disabilities. My skill set in design and development garnered from my time in the private sector, will be instrumental in creating software applications that integrate robust social research methodologies. I plan to engage actively in scholarly discourse, research, and community engagement, focusing on advancing diversity and equal opportunity in higher education. My unique experiences have given me a profound understanding of the barriers facing underrepresented groups in academia. Post-graduation, my goal is to contribute to educational diversity by developing inclusive, data-driven educational tools and resources to revolutionize education for students with disabilities. A Ph.D. program represents not just an academic pursuit for me but the realization of a lifelong passion for education and a commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field.